
我们的行政领导包括推动组织战略和成功的专业人士, 它的成员, 分会及义工.

Erik Prusch

Erik Prusch

Erik is an experienced CEO and board director for major tech companies. 在加入ISACA之前,他最近担任Harland Clarke Holdings Corp .的首席执行官., a provider of integrated payment solutions and integrated marketing services. He has also served as CEO for Outerwall, Lumension, NetMotion无线, Clearwire and Borland Software Corporation. 此外,他一直是RealNetworks、WASH、Calero Software和Keynote Systems的董事会成员. 在他的职业生涯之前, Erik served as chief financial officer for a number of public companies, 比如Identix和Borland, and for divisions of public companies, such as Gateway Computers and PepsiCo. 他的职业生涯始于德勤 & Touche(然后是Touche Ross). Erik持有耶鲁大学学士学位和纽约大学斯特恩商学院工商管理硕士学位.



近20年来, 阿巴洛特一直致力于为全球教育和技术组织提供战略性服务,开发可扩展的学习解决方案,以满足全球学习者不断变化的需求. 在ISACA, he is responsible for the product innovation process, helping to developing strategic positions for growth, 推动学术合作..

除了他在ISACA的角色, Ajay目前担任Agrani Ventures的投资合伙人,在那里他致力于支持使命驱动的澳门赌场官方下载家和公司,致力于通过可持续的长期商业模式改变市场. Ajay还担任古吉拉特邦巴罗达美国学校的战略顾问, 印度, 他在哪里关注股权, access and outcomes for career readiness.

办公室之外, Ajay喜欢旅行, 徒步旅行, 玩或看任何运动和, 最重要的是, spend time with his wife and two beautiful daughters.



Chris是一位经验丰富的领导者和董事会成员,在网络安全领域拥有国际权威,在制定和管理战略方面有着良好的记录, 计划和倡议. 他在ISACA的角色, Chris致力于使ISACA的战略与澳门赌场官方软件不断变化的需求保持一致, chapters and industries in more than 180 countries. He provides thought leadership in the digital trust space, identifies future directions in collaboration with the ISACA global community, 并在全球范围内领导业务规划和执行方面的战略实施.

Chris has served ISACA as a volunteer for nearly two decades, including as Board Chair for two terms from 2015-2017. 他也是INTRALOT(全球游戏解决方案供应商和运营商,活跃于全球42个受监管的司法管辖区)的前集团首席执行官. 2007年至2021年, Chris曾担任董事会成员, 集团首席执行官, Group Chief Services and Delivery Officer, 集团技术运营总监和集团信息安全总监. Prior to that role, he held positions in cybersecurity consulting firms. 2012年至2015年,他还担任欧洲网络安全局(ENISA)永久利益相关者小组(PSG)的成员. 他获得了博士学位.D. in information security and a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.


Chief Content and Publishing Officer

Shannon is responsible for leading ISACA’s learning and credentialing offerings, including the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified in the 治理 of 澳门赌场官方下载 IT (CGEIT), Certified Data 隐私 Solutions Engineer (CDPSE), and the CSX 网络安全 Practitioner (CSX-P) certifications. 她还负责领导ISACA的内容和框架开发以及编辑和出版工作, including the ISACA Journal and COBIT suite. 

Shannon在IT和信息安全方面拥有超过25年的经验,在领导内容开发方面拥有15年的经验. 在ISACA之前, Shannon had roles as information security officer at Harper College, 她在哪里负责所有的信息安全以及语音操作, and as a senior technical architect with AT&T, 在那里,她花了九年时间处理安全和网络事件响应以及全球托管服务客户的灾难恢复. 香农有博士学位.D. in Information Security and a master’s degree in Management & Systems, and holds active CISM, CDPSE and CISSP certifications.



In Julia’s role as 首席澳门赌场官方软件官, 她负责提供ISACA的整体澳门赌场官方软件和客户体验. Overseeing the membership and marketing functions, her team ensures every step of the member journey is positive and productive. Working closely with ISACA’s 224 chapters around the world, Kanouse领导关键澳门赌场官方软件计划的策略,例如专业发展, 网络, 教育和宣传.

Kanouse最近是伊利诺斯技术协会的首席执行官(现在是1871年), which serves the local tech community in Illinois, particularly growth-stage technology companies. 在那之前, 她在全国餐饮协会(National Restaurant Association)担任过澳门赌场官方软件和营销方面的多个行政职务, 在那里,她领导了全国餐饮协会年度营销战略的制定和执行, 定义新的品牌架构, and was responsible for the association’s digital presence.



Thomas是一位经验丰富的金融专业人士,在全球知名组织担任领导财务职务已有18年的经验, including Capital One Financial Corporation, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Corporate Finance, 和大学理事会. With expertise in strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 和投资, 托马斯帮助ISACA的财务战略与我们的总体愿景保持一致, driving investments that position the organization for accelerated growth. 他拥有麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院工商管理硕士学位,并以一等荣誉毕业于加纳大学工商管理专业.



西蒙娜Rollinson is ISACA’s 首席运营官 (COO), 领导ISACA的技术团队, driving the organization’s continuing digital transformation, 探索利用技术提升ISACA澳门赌场官方软件澳门赌场官方下载客户的教育和专业发展体验的新机会. 她在改造ISACA的学习技术平台以支持各个层次和阶段的专业澳门赌场官方下载方面发挥了关键作用, from individual development to enterprise solutions.

Simona brings a wealth of technology leadership and strategy experience to ISACA, from her earlier roles as software engineer and developer, 担任Follett软件公司的总裁,后来担任芝加哥库克县政府的首席信息官, Illinois—a role for which she was named CIO of the Year. 最近, 她是Clayco的首席信息官, 房地产开发项目, 体系结构, 工程建筑公司. 在她的行政生涯中, Simona has led successful complex digital transformational change and evolution. 她最近任职的标志是建立了澳门赌场官方下载架构能力, 现代化许多基础系统和遗留平台,并关注改进的供应商和项目管理. She holds ISACA’s CISM, CRISC and CDPSE certifications.


Chief People Officer, ISACA, and Executive Director, ISACA Foundation

Meeghan在技术和创新领域担任人力资源和组织发展领导职务近20年, 在世界经济论坛等国际非营利组织和一系列初创公司任职, public and privately held for profit technology companies, 包括罗切斯特电子公司, 出现/党卫军&C Technologies, Welcome Software, an Optimizely company and Tamale Software. Meeghan在波士顿大学Questrom School of Business获得工商管理硕士学位,并在卫斯理大学获得心理学学士学位.

Meeghan is passionate about what humans, 技术和努力工作, as well as collaboratively together, 可以完成. 在ISACA, 她负责制定并领导我们的人才战略——从我们如何招募最优秀的人才,建立令人难以置信的员工体验,到我们如何在全球范围内发展和发展我们的员工和文化,以扩大我们的规模和影响力.

作为ISACA基金会的执行董事,Meeghan为她带来了丰富的DEI编程和战略经验. 在这个角色中, 她帮助实现ISACA基金会的使命,即建立一个多元化和包容性的全球网络安全和IT审计专业人士澳门赌场官方下载.